Octeth Oempro Email Marketing Software is an on-premise full featured email marketing and mailing management software.
The self-hosted email marketing software has a full featured API and offers plugins to extend capabilities.
The headquarter office is located in Istanbul, Turkey. The company is owned by Cem Hurturk and Mert Hurturk.
Octeth Oempro alternatives
Are you looking for an Octeth Oempro alternative for your email marketing? We listed some Octeth Oempro alternatives.
Products and services
Next to Oempro, Octeth currently offers the following products:
A SaaS email marketing service for small to medium sized businesses
Delivery IP address health monitoring service
An SMTP gateway service
Octeth’s email analytics and inbox preview service, previewMyEmail.com has been acquired by SMTP, Inc. in January 2013.
General Info and Links
Information and links for Octeth Oempro
Website: octeth.com
Twitter: @octeth
Employees: LinkedIn
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