AudiencePoint is an analytics engine that provides predictive business intelligence to marketers for send time optimization in email marketing.AudiencePoint improves deliverability, open and click through rates, and conversions all while reducing the need for fire drills.They partner with marketers that have strong campaign strategies who need their messages seen by more people. The platform dramatically increases customer engagement, and it’s integrated with many of the top ESPs today.AudiencePoint was founded in 2010 by Andy Perez and Paul Shriner.
Audiencepoint alternatives
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Products and services
AudiencePoint’s Send Time Optimization [#sto] technology helps marketers increase their email campaign impact by providing the optimum time to communicate with each individual subscriber.
The service uses historic engagement data to build rich subscriber-level user profiles. Marketers can tap in to this pool of business intelligence to target each subscriber when they are online.
General Info and Links
Information and links for Audiencepoint
Twitter: @audiencepoint
Facebook: FB page
Employees: LinkedIn
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