Weighted scorecard / RFP decision matrix

A weighted scorecard or a RFP decision matrix is a tool used to compare email marketing software and choose the right email service provider. It consists of a list of requirements or criteria, their weighted value of importance, and the score of each email service provider on those requirements. The sums of all the scores can then be compared and ranked, to show the winning email vendor.

A weighted scorecard is especially useful in email marketing selection, because there often is a large set of requirements with varying importance. It is often used as a part of an RFP selection process.

Advantages of a weighted scorecard

The advantage of a weighted scorecard in email vendor selection is that subjective opinions about email vendors can be made more objective. It forces you to rank the importance of your requirements. You also can analyze how much your opinion would have to change in order for a lower-ranked vendor to outrank a competing email service provider (called a sensitivity study).

A weighted scorecard also may be referred to as a solutions prioritization matrix, vendor selection matrix, RFP evaluation matrix, RFP scorecard, ESP scorecard, COWS decision matrix, supplier rating spreadsheet or proposal evaluation matrix.

About Jordie van Rijn

Jordie van Rijn is an independent email marketing consultant and analyst. He is the founder of Email Vendor Selection and specializes in smart email marketing, online marketing strategy, software selection, campaign management, optimisation and RFP / vendor selection. He tested, reviewed, and wrote about 100+ business software including email marketing services, CRMs, ecommerce platforms, and online course creators. Published in-depth email marketing guides for financial service, ecommerce, travel, restaurant, and fashion industries.
Named one of "50 Online Marketing Influencers to Watch" by Entrepreneur magazine. Companies like Scania, KLM, Unilever, AEGON, CZ, FNV, NRC Media have asked me for advice.

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