
Interactive Email for Communities

GroupVine transforms today’s most ubiquitous, simple, and comfortable communication medium – email – from a static to an interactive environment. The email marketing platform has a strong focus on Community management, group email and community marketing.

Interactive Email software
They call their newsletter and email software Interactive Email, where the one-way “email blast” can be replaced by email for groups. The GroupVine email software allows for multi-way discussions and collaboration without forcing recipients to login or register.

Email for groups and communities
The GroupVine platform enables brands, non-profits, local groups and marketing agencies to create communications that involve and engage their customers and supporters. The Interactive Email solution lets organizations bring the upside of social marketing (community building and community marketing) into email.

Groupvine alternatives

Are you looking for an Groupvine alternative for your email marketing? We listed some Groupvine alternatives.

Products and services

The Groupvine email marketing software product is called Interactive Email:

Interactive Email combines several tools and features by offering email marketing, event registration, an online survey platform and community building. This allows users to engage their community with one solution that offers dynamic polls, surveys, sign-ups, conversation starters, and threaded conversation right in email.

Some of the GroupVine Interactive email features include:

Groupvine Engagement Widgets and threaded comments
Engagement Widgets allow immediate feedback, participation, and real-time sharing for your recipients without new accounts, logins, or passwords. Engagement Widgets go beyond basic questions and responses to allow a conversation to emerge, as if it was a Facebook comment thread. Each comment creates an email notification to anyone else who is involved in the comment thread.

Add attachments to your email marketing message
Add attachments to your email marketing message as links to make them really stand out or as traditional file attachments.

Comment moderation
If you choose to allow for commenting, anyone in the community can comment on other responses, or flag a response as inappropriate. Administrators can hide responses and comments as needed.

Reach the rest of the group with a group email address
All from the comfort of their regular email tool, your members can reach the rest of your group by just using the group email address. Like other Interactive Emails, group emails are also archived. No more managing spreadsheets full of email addresses!

General Info and Links

Information and links for Groupvine

Twitter: @groupvine
Employees: LinkedIn
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