DoctorSender is an online system for the creation, management, analysis and optimization of email marketing campaigns. It introduces a concept of online marketing where flexibility and functionality are combined with FST technology in order to create a tool for integrated management of the email marketing campaigns.
DoctorSender company history
DoctorSender has a team of employees with experience in online marketing, telecommunications, information technology and graphic design. Main goal for DoctorSender is to allow companies to reach potential customers through email marketing campaigns.
CSA Membership and certificate
Freemedia Internet S.L. doctorsender is a member of the Certified Senders Alliance.
You can view the certificate here.
DoctorSender alternatives
Are you looking for an DoctorSender alternative for your email marketing? We listed some DoctorSender alternatives.
General Info and Links
Information and links for DoctorSender
Twitter: @DoctorSender
Facebook: FB page
Employees: LinkedIn
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