Substack, the popular email marketing provider with publishing and payment in one (for subscription newsletters) released a new and improved Subscriber dashboard.
It helps writers and publishers to get a better understanding and interact with their subscribers.
Here is a video on how to use the new Substack subscriber dashboard.
What has changed? You can now:
Segment and sort subscriber lists with multiple dimensions like engagement, revenue, and subscription status. So for instance you can find your most loyal, or active subscribers or find newly acquired ones and those at risk of churning.
Email a segment of your email list directly, for instance new subscribers or recent commenters / active subscribers.
Clean your email list based on your own selection criteria For instance subscribers who have been inactive and haven’t opened an email in the past few months.
Obviously, subscriber dashboard are to manage your subscribers and email lists. As Substack is part of the recent craze about paid newsletters, the new subscriber analytics also allows you to Give away free subscriptions in bulk and has the revenue / subscription data built in.