Moosend - February 12, 2019

New repeatable email campaigns with RSS to Email in Moosend

Moosend recently released a new RSS to Email feature. This allows marketers and content creators to quickly set up digests and newsletters. (and it works with products and promotions as well.)

If you are a blogger or regular publisher, email marketing is a good way to drive traffic and conversions. Many newsletters are built out of blog posts – or at least have several of them in there. So primarily the RSS feature is a big time saver.

Repeatable RSS to Email Campaigns and RSS email scheduler

How does the Moosend RSS to Email function work? It picks up on the newest published posts and automatically sends a campaign when you publish a new one.

In the interface you only have to include the location of your RSS feed and pick a template and list for it.

rss tpo email location

Most of us might not want to send out a new email with every new blogpost, so the email marketing system includes the option to schedule RSS campaigns and create an email digest with the latest news, updates and posts.

With the RSS scheduler, brands, bloggers and publishers can send on their own frequency. Say a weekly or monthly email with a roundup / email digest.

RSS tpo email scheduler

You can set the scheduler up to get a confirmation email every time an email dispatch is complete. At least you know when a new digest is sent,

WordPress newsletter sending

RSS to email works with any type of site as long as you have a published RSS feed. Many content or commerce platforms have this feature built in. for instance it works with creating automated emailings from:
• WordPress,
• Medium,
• Blogspot,
• E-commerce platforms,
• Any type of platform that has an RSS feed, really.

Newsletter Editor RSS Blocks

The RSS-based content automatically detects title, images, content and links. You can do a single email campaign based on that – or use the email editor RSS block / container and inject the latest posts into your template.

Users can style the newsletter template, to fit their branding. When adding the RSS block, dynamic elements show up that are all customizable. They behave like any piece in the drag and drop responsive email editor.

RSS to email marketing system

Similarly to the RSS feature, senders can also point to a campaign which is not RSS based, but rather a webpage. This can be handy for brands that publish their campaigns to web publically. Or if you find it easier to push the content to Moosend in that way instead of manually loading it into the Email marketing system.

The Repeatables feature, as they call it, picks up the content after pointing to the web url of the campaign and setting a publishing schedule.

Read our full Moosend review for more details on the platform.

Availability and pricing

The RSS-to-email feature in Moosend is already available for all existing and new users. The feature is part of the main platform and at no extra costs. Moosend starts at a free version that has unlimited sends and campaigns up to 1000 unique subscribers.

About Jordie van Rijn

Jordie van Rijn is an independent email marketing consultant and analyst. He is the founder of Email Vendor Selection and specializes in smart email marketing, online marketing strategy, software selection, campaign management, optimisation and RFP / vendor selection. He tested, reviewed, and wrote about 100+ business software including email marketing services, CRMs, ecommerce platforms, and online course creators. Published in-depth email marketing guides for financial service, ecommerce, travel, restaurant, and fashion industries.
Named one of "50 Online Marketing Influencers to Watch" by Entrepreneur magazine. Companies like Scania, KLM, Unilever, AEGON, CZ, FNV, NRC Media have asked me for advice.

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