Mad Mimi - junio 25, 2015

Godaddy starts Express Email Marketing Service for SMB’s

Godaddy recently launched an email marketing service for SMB’s. The service comes from GoDaddy’s acquisition last August of the Mad Mimi email marketing company. But now the Mad Mimi’s service features are integrated into its Website Builder service.

The service is called GoDaddy Express Email Marketing. GoDaddy’s small business clients now have an easier way to reach their customers. It allows small business owners to communicate with their customers through e-mail The Scottsdale-based website domain company has a 24/7 support, said Steven Aldrich, GoDaddy’s senior vice president of business applications.

2 of the components of the e-mail marketing service are:

Email marketing templates for Small businesses

GoDaddy found that for many small businesses email is effective, but just a too hard to do through their research. The new service is designed to be simple and easy to use, Aldrich said. Clients that pay for GoDaddy’s Website Builder can use the email marketing service for free for the first 100 contacts / 500 emails. Higher packages start at $6.99 a month, he said.

Hosting of contact data in one place

Most small businesses already collect customers’ e-mails when customers purchase online or sign up for newsletters, The information is stored in the small business owner’s Website Builder account, thanks to the integration, under GoDaddy’s Express Email Marketing service, Thus, business owners can access it in one place. according to GoDaddy, rather than having to re-key their customers’ names when sending marketing e-mails.

About Jordie van Rijn

Jordie van Rijn is an independent email marketing consultant and analyst. He is the founder of Email Vendor Selection and specializes in smart email marketing, online marketing strategy, software selection, campaign management, optimisation and RFP / vendor selection. He tested, reviewed, and wrote about 100+ business software including email marketing services, CRMs, ecommerce platforms, and online course creators. Published in-depth email marketing guides for financial service, ecommerce, travel, restaurant, and fashion industries.
Named one of "50 Online Marketing Influencers to Watch" by Entrepreneur magazine. Companies like Scania, KLM, Unilever, AEGON, CZ, FNV, NRC Media have asked me for advice.

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